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Choose from a growing selection of personal wellness services including Chakra Balancing and Assessment, Women's Hormone Health, Energy Medicine, Deep Emotional Healing.  


Experience Dynamic Shifts &
Deep Emotional Healing

Ignite Your Profound Emotional Healing Today!


Tracy specializes in unraveling the deep-seated emotions and belief patterns that fuel chronic pain, illnesses, and diseases. Say goodbye to the barriers that hold you back as you embrace a life free from limitations.

By liberating yourself from old thought patterns, emotional baggage or egoic judgements,  you unlock the path to healing conditions that no longer serve you. Feel the immediate release of blocked energy within your body and mind, paving the way for rapid healing.

Tracy harnesses a unique blend of techniques rooted in the transformative power of Theta Healing. From conquering anxiety and depression to resolving emotional challenges of any kind, she extends her expertise to aid in recovery from physical injuries and mysterious illnesses.

Discover the profound art of Theta Healing®, a spiritual technique that empowers you to release and transform the limiting beliefs and emotions residing within you. Through the divine energy of Theta brain waves, embark on a journey of physical, psychological, and spiritual healing.

Experience the extraordinary as you embark on a path of dynamic shifts and deep emotional healing with Tracy's transformative Theta Healing® sessions. Tracy's approach releases blocked energy, accelerating your healing process for immediate results! Finally, let go and heal. Unleash your true potential and embrace a life of boundless possibilities today!


Energy Medicine • Healing the Body

Experience the Transformative Magic of Energy Medicine to Unlock Your Body's Potential!


Tracy's expertise in Eden Energy Medicine restores balance, clearing blockages that underlie illness and discomfort. Using a gentle touch, Tracy will unlock your body's energy, activating profound healing and alleviating pain.

Embrace the journey to vibrant well-being and create a state of harmony and peace within. 

Energy medicine goes beyond the symptom-based treatment model to address your health and healing more holistically. Tracy uses a gentle touch to help align your body’s energy, activate healing, reduce pain and heal from a variety of issues.  

By making effective use of your body’s energies, Tracy can help promote your body’s natural ability to heal itself, and stay healthy.  Activate, and restore your body's energy for optimal health and vibrant living.

Energy medicine is a holistic approach to healing that relies on the whole self; body, mind and spirit. Tracy uses Eden Energy Medicine to move energy through the body in order to help shift imbalances that cause illness and disease. If the energy flows in the body become blocked or disorganized due to stress, illness or other factors, restoring their natural flow can greatly reduce everyday discomfort or pain. 


Chakra Balancing & Vibrational Healing

Unleash the flow of your vital energy centers.


​• Enhanced emotional well-being: Chakra energy balancing helps women manage and regulate their emotions more effectively. By aligning and balancing the chakras, it promotes a sense of inner calm, reduces anxiety and stress, and enhances emotional stability.


• Hormonal balance: Chakra energy balancing can have a positive impact on hormonal balance in women. Certain chakras are associated with the endocrine system, which regulates hormone production. By addressing imbalances in these chakras, women may experience improvements in menstrual cycles, alleviation of PMS symptoms, and overall hormonal harmony.


• Increased vitality and energy: When the chakras are balanced, energy flows freely throughout the body. Women who undergo chakra energy balancing often report an increase in overall vitality and energy levels. This can help combat fatigue, increase productivity, and improve the ability to engage in daily activities.


• Strengthened intuition and creativity: The chakras are closely connected to intuition and creativity. When the chakras are in harmony, women often experience heightened intuition, inner wisdom, and creative inspiration. This can be particularly beneficial for artists, writers, and those who rely on their creative abilities.


• Improved self-confidence and empowerment: Chakra energy balancing can contribute to an increased sense of self-confidence and empowerment in women. Balancing the solar plexus chakra, associated with personal power and self-esteem, can help women feel more confident in expressing themselves, setting boundaries, and pursuing their goals.


• Physical health benefits: Chakra energy balancing can have positive effects on physical health. By promoting balance and flow of energy, it may aid in relieving physical ailments such as headaches, digestive issues, and chronic pain. It can also strengthen the immune system and support overall vitality.


• Harmonious relationships: Chakra energy balancing can help improve relationships, both with oneself and with others. By fostering a sense of inner peace and balance, it enhances communication, empathy, and understanding. Women who are in touch with their chakras are often better able to establish and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships.

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